Guiltless Splurge


Bowl. Cereal. Milk. Spoon. Eat. Repeat.

When did one of the greatest food combinations become some boring? Yes, I consider cereal as one of THEE greatest food combinations out there. Think about it:

The blend of textures – crunchy, softened, chewy, absorbed.

The blend of flavors: sweet, savory, dulcified, mellow.

The contrast in colors: deep, golden, pale, vibrant, pastel.

The meal time possibilities: breakfast, brunch, lunch, late night snack.

I can go on and on about the wonders of cereal in which often go unnoticed because of its staple in the American diet. Bowl. Cereal. Milk. Pour. Repeat.

What I am about to describe is not the average American’s cereal, but why shouldn’t we revamp the typical “cereal” combination.

BASE: Let’s start by replacing milk with more flavorful options: unsweetened vanilla almond breeze is a personal favorite. Too adventurous? Try original soy milk (silk). Like it sweet? Vanilla Soy Milk. Even if you’re not a foodie, vegetarian, vegan, etc. give your cereal a better bath to soak up in. Yogurt. Kefir. Soy Milk. Almond Milk.


Frozen Fruit. Frozen blueberries & frozen bananas are the best when they just start to thaw. This requires a taste for the oozing blueberries or the mashed banana texture. Once ripe, try putting bananas in the freezer. After completely frozen, throw them in the microwave for a few seconds. You can’t believe it’s the same fruit that went into the freezer. Once microwaved, it releases a banana flambe flavor thats richly sweet and savory at the same time. Great with oatmeal, cereal, yogurt, toasts, peanut butter.

Crunch Factor. Put down the rice krispies, cheerios, or special K. Go Wild. Try new granolas. I combine more plain cereals, such as Rice Chex, with more flavorful granolas and cereals, such as Kashi or Special K varieties. The Rice Chex makes it look more full, while the granola gives it more taste.

Health Factor. Those black specs are Chia Seeds. They’re rich with omega-3’s [the good fat]. Other than fish, avocado, and nuts, most people don’t eat many sources of omega-3 . . . let alone eat them at breakfast! But chia seeds are fascinating. They have an absorptive property that thickens whatever you add them too. (you can add 1 tbsp of chia seeds + water in place of eggs when baking). They’re also great in oatmeal because they double the size of your oatmeal. Who doesn’t want twice the amount?

Personalization. Nuts. Seeds. Toasted Coconut. Melted Peanut Butter. Almond Butter. Sun Butter. Yogurt. Fruit. Cinnamon. Cayenne. Brown Sugar. Bananas. Blueberries. Pineapple. Dark Chocolate. Almond Milk. Soy Milk. Kefir. Peaches. Apricots.

In a rush? Pack the dry ingredients in a plastic baggie, most cafe’s have milk don’t they?

Cerously, what’s in that bowl?

Frozen Blueberries

Thawed Frozen Bananas


Kind Maple Walnut Granola

Rice Chex

Toasted Coconut

Chia Seeds

Prep Time: 5 Minutes.

Behind Kitchen Doors: Dean’s Natural Food Market
July 7, 2010, 6:03 PM
Filed under: Behind Kitchen Doors | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

When you walk into Dean’s Natural Food Market you encounter aisles of organic groceries ranging from fresh produce to grains to supplements to dairy items. As you continue into the store, you realize what appeared to be a grocery store evolves into an eatery. A fresh salad bar stocked with vegetarian and vegan-friendly options is situated next to the organic juice bar. There is also a food-service department which has prepared and made-to-order options.

Skeptical at first of the vegan-friendly foods, I later indulged in the tofu-sushi rolls, vegan dumplings, and eggless-egg-salad. I was pleasantly surprised with the flavor and immediately shifted my focus from experiencing vegetarian cuisine to experiencing unique cuisine. The juice bar offered me samples of both fruit and vegetable smoothies, including various supplements to enhance the drink. Attached to the smoothie bar is a large glass case full of unique and fresh ready-to-go foods that make great lunch and dinner options to have at home. Above the glass case is a full menu offering made-to-order sandwiches and paninis. Whether you are a vegetarian, a vegan, an omnivore, or just interested in unique cuisine, Dean’s Natural Food Market is an eatery that every foodie should experience.

Q: How and when did you get the idea for Dean’s Natural Food Market?

A: I worked in a natural food store for two years before deciding to go out on my own.

Q: How would you describe Dean’s Natural Food Market?

A: Dean’s is a company dedicated to providing products and education in the freshest form. Deans is an important cornerstone of the community and people come to change their lives. We take it seriously in a friendly environment.

Q: Guiltless Splurge is the idea of healthy alternatives, would you consider items on your menu to be a Guiltless Splurge?

A:  Yes, absoloutely.

Q: What local farms do you use?

A: We use Lady Moon in Pennsylvania and Cal Organic, which are both two premiere organic growers in the natural food world. We also use two local farmers, one being Farmer Ed in Colts Neck.

Q: Are “sustainable, organic, and locally sourced” just buzz words or a passion?

A:  As consumers, we vote with out dollar. That is very powerful. We can direct farmers, manufactures, and retailers by endorsing with our money. It may seem like we are powerless, but that doesn’t need to be the case. I think it’s beyond a passion now, I think it’s here to stay. ‘Organic’ is getting more popular, and the link between the food we eat and where it comes from is more important.

Q: What do you find customers are most surprised about when they experience Dean’s?

A: The difference in the taste of our food compared to conventional food, especially in produce. People forget what food tastes like because at large-scale farms the nutrients from the soil taint the food products. At places like that, it isn’t a matter of quality but of quantity.

Q: Is there a difference in taste of organic fruit?

A: I gave a pound strawberries to my friend, and he said they were the best strawberries he had in his life. I realize that organic is not always better tasting, and in reality its not always exceptional, but when we get high quality from small farms its noticeably different.

Q: What is the relationship with the customers?

A: We cater to a conscious consumer. Our consumer knows why they’re here, rather than people buying commodity items in the average grocery store. Just yesterday, a customer brought in a nutrition bar that they wanted me to sell here and I looked at ingredients and said I couldn’t because it had simple sugar, modified corn starch, and other ingredients that we don’t advocate.

Q: Is that hard a decision because you clearly would want more business?

A: Yes, we have to turn business away as a result of it, but we are devoted to our ways.

Q: What ingredients do you look for in a bar?

A: We don’t want any unnatural additives such as hydrogenated oils, simple sugar, modified food starch, dyes, trans fats…

Q: Do you offer vegan grocery products?

A: We have vegan, kosher, vegetarian, meat, and gluten free options. There is a 31 foot aisle and 6 freezer doors filled with gluten-free items. It has become one of the most increasing diet-specifications in grocery aisles.

Q: What are the difficult aspects of running an organic and vegetarian eatery?
A: It is difficult to get maintain public beyond the stigma of “eating vegetarian cuisine”. For example, if I didn’t tell them it was vegetarian, like quinoa, then they would indulge. But because it has the label as a ‘vegetarian-wonder’ they’re apprehensive. In reality, quinoa is a complete protein, low allergen, and second to meat in amino acids…everyone should be eating it, not just vegetarians.

Q: What would you suggest to an apprehensive first time customer experiencing the salad bar?

A: What’s unique about Dean’s is that our staff members cater to our consumers. What I would really suggest is one of our staff members allow the consumer to sample the food to give them an idea of the taste. Also, for the consumer to keep an open mind. Yesterday, a woman came in who was interested in buying a protein-powder. I took an individual packet size of that powder and made a shake for her at the Juice Bar… rather than have her spend $30 on an entire case of it and not like it, she was able to try it.

Q: Are all the items in the glass case homemade?

A: Every thing prepared in the food service is homemade. All the vegetables used in there are all organic and all of the meats are hormone-and antibiotic free. There are no conventional products at all.

Q: If your favorite celebrity chef was coming to Dean’s, what would you prepare?

A: The first thing that comes to mind is the eggless egg salad, because you don’t have the opportunity to try it anywhere else. It is made from tofu and looks like scrambled eggs. For meat eaters, the blackened chicken is popular.

Q: Do you find nutrition or supplements to be more beneficial?

A: I believe nutrients should primarily be through food. Omega fatty-acids are one of the only ones I believe should be taken through a supplement because its such a concentrated dose in a capsule. Otherwise, you can get everything you need through food.

Q: What vitamins or supplements do you find to be the most beneficial?

A: multi-vitamin, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin C .. that’s the basic regiments, and depending on the age.

Q: What protein powder do you suggest?

A: JROB and Biochem whey protein. Ingredients are right where you want them to be. Free of chemicals. There are different levels of quality protein…there’s a reason why this stuff costs more money.

Q: Do customers have to be willing to spend more money?

A: My corny tagline is “Health assurance. Pay me now or pay me later.” There are more gyms than ever before and obesity is still at its highest level.

Q: Do you have any future plans or ideas for Dean’s?
A: We want to open up more stores, people are looking for it. Even with the tremendous down turn in the economy, we have had consistent positive growth in sales.

Q: Do you already cater?

A: We do cater out of the food service department. We started it about 4 months ago. We are constantly doing out of store events – at Branches, at Allenhurst antique shows, fundraising events, convention hall.

Q: Do customers come with specific questions or what are they looking for?

A: Typical questions include how to prepare certain foods.

Q: Aside from food you advocate in other aspects?

A: This spoon is made from potato starch. We pay 8 times as much for it. These cups are made from sugar cane and are 24 cents a cup, when we were paying a nickel for a solo cup. That base of knowledge has to have a starting point and that’s what differentiates us from the average grocery stores… this is the grassroots.

Q: Do you provide classes?

A: We do cooking classes and educational seminars. August is women’s health month and we will be hosting weekly breakfast and lunches with seminars. Also, 10/10/10 is non-GMO day and we will be running an educational promotion to educate people.

Q: Any final comments?
A: We can only teach people who want to learn and when people are ready we’re here for them. This is a vehicle to raise peoples’ conscious. People are becoming more aware of impact that pesticides and herbicides have in the environment and more consciousness of pollution. There is a consistent rising of awareness one individual at a time as the way we move through life.

After speaking with Dean, my interest in his eatery and specific-diets grew. He sparked my interest in several topics ranging from local food to mass-produced items. Dean’s Natural Food Market provides an eatery and a store that coincides with the current health movement.

I believe everyone should take a trip to Dean’s, not necessarily to turn into a vegetarian or a vegan, but to experience new flavors, that will surprise you. The taste of the produce in the grocery aisles and the taste of the ingredients in Dean’s food are as if your senses have been enhanced. However, as Dean mentioned to me “after people eat chemically modified food for so long, they don’t realize what food actually tastes like.” His eagerness and devotion to the organic movement, while maintaining delicious products, is similar to the Guiltless Splurge mantra – delicious & nutritious…it’s the best of both worlds.


1119 Highway 35

Ocean, NJ 07712


490 Broad Street
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702